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Reversing Ageing: Radical Insights to Help Us Grow Younger

Ageing is a natural process that involves the progressive decline in physical function as time passes. However, recent research suggests that our understanding of ageing might be flawed. Instead of viewing it as the accumulation of wear and tear over time, scientists are exploring the idea that ageing is driven by the same forces that shape our bodies during development and growth.

Steve Horvath, an anti-ageing researcher at the University of Los Angeles, and his team made a groundbreaking discovery in 2020. They injected old rats with blood extract from younger rodents and witnessed remarkable rejuvenating effects. The rats’ biological age was cut in half, as evidenced by improved physical strength, vitality, and cognitive function. This finding challenges our preconceived notions about ageing and offers new possibilities for slowing down or even partially reversing the ageing process.

Biogerontologists, scientists who study the biology of ageing, have been studying the cellular changes that accompany ageing. These changes include deteriorating chromosome ends, damaged genomes, and alterations in nutrient sensing mechanisms within cells. However, the exact processes driving ageing are still a topic of debate.

Traditionally, it was believed that these hallmarks of ageing were primarily caused by damage from reactive molecules known as free radicals. However, the emerging viewpoint suggests that ageing might be more closely linked to the developmental and maintenance processes that shape our bodies from prenatal stages onwards.

This new perspective on ageing opens up exciting avenues for further research and potential interventions that can slow down or reverse the ageing process. By gaining a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms, scientists hope to unlock the secrets to growing younger.

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