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JWST to Get First Glimpse of Stars Born After Big Bang

First stars and galaxies formed during the cosmic dawn are about to be observed by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Richard Ellis, an astrophysicist at University College London, spoke about the latest findings from JWST, highlighting the significant progress made in the last 12 months. The telescope has provided striking results with observations of the most distant galaxies, challenging the standard model of cosmology. These galaxies appear to be brighter and fewer in number than predicted. Ellis suggests that early stars may be more massive or that early galaxies formed stars more quickly than expected. However, he affirms that this does not discredit the standard model. Additionally, the chemical composition of these galaxies supports the idea that JWST is approaching the observation of objects from the cosmic dawn. Stated Ellis, “the universe is heading towards a pristine state in the most distant galaxies that we see.”

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